
This is my very tiny entry for the GMTK Game Jam 2022! I didn't have time as I was busy launching another game for my VTuber Pre-Debut yesterday so I was a bit burnt out. I had this idea while I was eating peanut butter sandwiches downstairs where it was a deck builder game where you have to get to the goal by rolling dice. You had to get the exact number but you would be in control of how you get to roll the dice.

Mini Post Mortem Thing

Dice would've been abstracted by a lot (just to "RNG"). The Roll aspect reminded me of bowling and I thought it would be fun if there were minigames that you could play that vary player agency. 

You could get precise shots in a bowling minigame, but a dice minigame would be less so. In the end I only had time to program dice rolls but I still like how this ended up. Another one would've been a pachinko slot where you get to select where your coin would drop, giving you some agency but also RNG.

In this version of the game you have 3 ways to roll your dice.

  • Roll 1 die that can be re-rolled.
    • (You risk sacrificing a good roll for a bad one or vice versa)
  • Roll 3 dice at once and pick one
    • (All options are in front of you, but you need to think long term about your decision)
  • Roll a dice and pick if you want a random value that's higher or lower than it.
    • (This can give you guaranteed moves [1 and 6] but also you have some agency when moving spaces)

I really want to expand on this idea more. I think it would be a fun game to stream development for too.


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I'm so excited to see you designing more games! I don't think there's a win/lose condition coded into this one, but I liked everything else about it (insofar as it was a Game Jam game haha). This one is like Candyland meets Yahtzee. Cool take!

first of all I MISS YOU second of all yeah there's no win/lose condition coded but if you fall on the space it's like the "game over" kinda thing. I REALLY wanna go into making the card ideas I had (the pachinko card / bowling card) because I think that would be really fun to do. Here's hoping I have the energy to continue this or if my other projects / work gets in the way 😤